Monday, November 10, 2008

mar 100/perez - blog

Johnson&Johnson is probably the biggest product mix company out there. I recently visited their website and i was truly amazed at all the different products they currently sell. From lotion for all ages, to pain medicine for different reasons, to healthy sugar. They make a good percentage of products i use in my household on a daily basis. Most people might think of Johnson&Johnson and only associate them with baby products but the have branched out completely form the baby category.
One of there newer products they are taking advantage of a "heather America" standers
An anti aging solution shows that Johnson&Johnson clearly don't make lotions just for babies.
Clean and clear which is a acne product is geared for teens.
what the are probably most popular for baby products. What you might not realize is that they just don't make baby lotion they make baby lotions with different scents as well as calming lotion and bedtime lotions.

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