Thursday, November 13, 2008

mar 100/perez - blog

Packaging is everything; any successful company knows this. Even McDonald a fast food place knows the importance of packaging. If you ever look in the bottom of a McDonald bag you will see instructions on how to pack the food inside the bag. There is little illustrations that shows you how much food should be in the bag and how it should be placed. This of course makes sense because you would want a over stuff bag breaking and your food to end up on the floor. Nor would you want your milkshake to melt because it was put in the same bag as your hot food. Even the Happy Meals tell you the importance of packaging. First they are not make of paper but of a harder material maybe cardboard, second they box is always colorful and full of art to amuse the child. McDonald clearly understands the importance of packaging and how in contributes to a business.

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